Betta Fish Care How Much to Feed

Bettas are some of the easiest pet fish to go on in a home aquarium. They're easy to maintain, beautiful, and active. Despite their simple maintenance needs, it'due south crucial that you lot discover out everything there is to know well-nigh Betta fish feeding.

The right food volition proceed your Betta happy and healthy. If you lot get it wrong, yous adventure getting your pet fish sick or, worse, dead.

It's, therefore, crucial that yous learn everything well-nigh the types of foods and feeding habits that are appropriate for Bettas.

Read on to notice out what Bettas eat, when to feed them, and how to avoid mistakes such as overfeeding.

What Practice Betta Fish Eat?

Bettas are cannibal. In the wild, they feed on insects and insect larvae, which are rich in proteins.

Some of the insects that they alive on in the wild are brine shrimp, deer fly larvae, water fleas, bloodworms, and musquito larvae.

It'due south of import to effort and recreate these natural foods for your Betta in guild to provide them with the nutrients they require.

Therefore, you should feed them high protein meat-based fish foods in their aquarium. Avoid feeding them solely on plant-based fish nutrient that's meant for tropical fish.

Plant-based foods are smashing for omnivorous fish, just Bettas are carnivorous. If you only feed them such nutrient that doesn't provide the nutrients they crave, they'll end up emaciated or dead.

So, while adding plant roots to your Betta's diet may be a good idea, yous should not rely solely on them.

Whatever you do, try to create the kind of diet that they have in their natural habitat past looking for carnivorous fish foods with the right nutrients.

Want to know how to take intendance of betta fish but don't know where to commencement? Click here to read a comprehensive article on betta fish care!

How Often Should Y'all Feed a Betta Fish?

Y'all should feed your Betta fish twice per day, once in the morn and again in the evening. This is enough to keep your Betta happy and well-nourished, as long equally you provide the correct foods.

Feeding your pet fish once per day may too exist suitable in some instances. For instance, adult Betta's tin can do well on one feeding per mean solar day.

Infant Bettas, on the other mitt, need at least two daily feedings of small portions due to their growth demands.

Like other fish, Bettas love eating, but this doesn't mean that they take to all the time. It'south a wise thought to fast your pet fish once per week.

Don't worry about starving them – a Betta can stay for upwardly to ii weeks without food! A one-solar day fast gives their digestive tract a pause to process food fully.

This practice can also help minimize the furnishings of overfeeding your Betta. One time the fast is over, you can go dorsum to feeding your fish twice per day.

How Much Should You Feed a Betta Fish?

Information technology's of import to always feed your Betta enough of the right nutrient. Too much or also niggling of it can cause problems, so you need to pay attention to how much food you lot use for Betta fish feeding.

When feeding pellets to your Betta, requite 2-3 medium-sized each fourth dimension. This serving twice per twenty-four hours is more than than enough for a Betta fish. If y'all're feeding freeze-dried, live, or frozen food, requite two pieces during each mealtime.

Avoid adding excess food into the fish tank since these tin ruin the quality of the water, making information technology hazardous to your fish.

Uneaten remnants of food settle on the floor of the h2o tank and heighten the levels of nitrite and ammonia, which are toxic to the fish.

If you find that you've given also much food to your fish, empty the water or remove the excess food to forestall this.

What Food is Best for Your Betta?

The best nutrient for your Betta is 1 that replicates their natural diet in the wild. Luckily, you can find meat-based fish food suitable for Bettas at pet food outlets.

While live foods are expert enough for your Betta, it'south a great idea to diversify their diet and add together other types of food. Your fish will dear the various options, and it might as well assist with picky eaters.

Here are some of the food choices that are peachy for your pet:

Alive Foods

Your Betta will be happy to receive the aforementioned foods that they would prey on in the wild, namely insects and their larvae. Past providing these live foods to your Betta, you give them all the nutrients that they obtain when in their natural habitat.

When ownership live foods for your Betta, look for the same ones that are institute in the wild. Hither are a few live foods that most Bettas enjoy:


Bloodworms are ane of the almost common natural foods for wild fish. Most fish will eat bloodworms when given to them, so this is a live food you should consider, especially if you have a picky Betta.

These worms are bright blood-red thank you to their high content of iron. They're too rich in proteins and other minerals that assist Betta fish to thrive.

Introducing these worms to your pet fish'southward water tank not only provides them with nourishment but also gives them a run a risk to use their natural hunting instincts.

Since bloodworms are then popular with fish, they're like shooting fish in a barrel to discover at pet stores and are besides inexpensive. However, while your fish may like them, don't make these the main food in the diet since they lack the essential amino acids that Bettas need.

(Want to know more than about feeding your betta bloodworms.)

Mosquito Larvae

Betta fish growing in their natural habitat feed on mosquito larvae a lot. Information technology's, therefore, a nifty idea to add these every bit live food to your pet'southward nutrition.

Y'all can detect these at a local or online pet store. Or, you lot tin become a starter culture so that you can harvest them at your home.

Mosquito larvae may non be piece of cake to come across during winter, only they're active and available in abundance during the warmer months.

Alkali Shrimp

Brine shrimp provide Betta fish with lots of vital nutrients, including proteins and vitamins. In the wild, Betta fish prey on alkali shrimp a lot, and so it's a wise idea to bring them to the tank water.

Fortunately, alkali shrimp are pretty easy to find at pet stores. But, like other live food, you should pay attending to the sourcing and then that you don't give anything harmful to your fish.

This also ways that no matter how fun information technology might sound, yous should not feed your Betta with any sort of insect caught outdoors.

Mysis Shrimp

While they're named every bit such, these insects are not considered true shrimp. They're bigger than alkali shrimp – they'll grow to a length of about an inch, while brine fish may make it to just a third of an inch.

Mysis shrimp are besides known as opossum shrimp considering the females carry their fry in a pouch plant at the base of their legs.

These macroscopic crustaceans have more proteins than brine shrimp and are therefore a better option in terms of nutrition. They besides have a cobweb-rich exoskeleton that supports the digestion of protein foods.

Unfortunately, despite being more nutritious, live Mysis shrimp are not as readily bachelor equally brine shrimp.

(Bank check out the all-time alive foods for betta fish.)

Frozen Foods

When you cannot get a reputable seller for live Betta nutrient, frozen food is your next best choice. It contains well-nigh of the nutrients found in live food and doesn't contain any indigestible fillers.

You'll likely find frozen fish nutrient being sold in cubes. One time yous purchase them, keep them in a freezer until it's time to feed them to your fish.

Earlier feeding your Betta with the frozen nutrient, thaw it and let it sit on a plate for about 20 minutes.

Note that a unmarried cube of frozen food may be too much to feed your Betta in one sitting. Depending on the size of the cube, split it into portions and give a minor corporeality – around 1.8g daily – to your fish. Put the rest back into the freezer for another day.

If yous cease up with backlog food afterward defrosting, don't put it back into the freezer. Get rid of it because information technology may have been exposed to bacteria that could harm your Betta.

Freeze-dried Foods

You tin can likewise feed your Betta freeze-stale nutrient, although it might not be of the same quality as either live or frozen nutrient. But since it allows you to add together your Betta'south natural food into the diet, information technology's a good option.

In order to keep information technology stable during storage, manufacturers dehydrate and add fillers to freeze-stale foods. This keeps them in consumable condition for long and gratuitous of parasites and leaner.

Merely these fillers and the lack of wet content in the nutrient can pose risks to your fish. If you lot give your Betta too much of this food, they may end upwardly constipated and swollen.

This is considering the dried nutrient absorbs moisture in the breadbasket of your fish and expands, causing bloating.

To prevent this, always soak the freeze-dried food in water before giving them to your fish. Since freeze-dried foods are stripped of important nutrients during their processing, you tin soak them in a vitamin solution to boost their nutritive value.

Besides, only give freeze-dried nutrient to your fish sparsely. Look for freeze-dried foods for your Betta that don't contain loads of fillers since these put a strain on your pet's digestive tract.

What Happens If Y'all Overfeed Your Betta Fish?

It'south easy to overfeed your Betta fish if you don't have the right information about how much and how often they should eat. Also, the fact that these piddling fish will likely eat more equally long as information technology's provided doesn't help.

If you happen to overfeed your Betta fish, whatsoever of these issues may arise:

Constipation and Bloating

Betta fish have a small tummy – the size of their eye – and a very short digestive tract. Since Betta fish will go along eating fifty-fifty after they're full, they're at an increased chance of constipation.

A constipated Betta volition testify signs such as bloating, spine curvature, bulged eyes, and stringy poop. Constipation can be dangerous to a Betta and may lead to expiry if not addressed promptly.

If your fish is constipated, put them on a fast for a couple of days or more, depending on the severity of their condition. Also, add together more than fiber to their diet and watch how much you feed them to prevent it from happening again.

(Find out more than most what to do if your betta is constipated or bloated.)


Bettas shop undigested nutrient and backlog food as fat in their bodies. Then, if you're overfeeding your Betta, they'll grow obese over time.

Obesity poses a health run a risk to Bettas, so information technology's important to avert it. Every bit long every bit your fish doesn't wait emaciated, you lot can rest bodacious that they're getting enough nutrient.

But if they appear bloated and not because of temporary constipation, this is a sign that they're getting obese. Put them on a fast to utilise upwardly their stored fat and gradually cut back on their feeding sizes.


When yous overfeed your Betta, it's likely that some of the excess nutrient will settle at the lesser of the aquarium. These particles volition produce toxins and encourage the growth of bacteria equally they break down, exposing your fish to diseases.

Therefore, avoid overfeeding your Betta because even if they don't overeat, they'll be at risk of beingness exposed to a hazardous environment.

(Check out all the diseases and illnesses bettas tin get.)

Swim Bladder Disorder

Constipation in Bettas may atomic number 82 to swim float disorder. This condition makes it difficult for your fish to balance in the water. Due to this, they may prefer to remain at the bottom of the tank or float well-nigh the surface of the water.

If your Betta remains at the lesser, it's dangerous since they'll have trouble animate. Betta are labyrinth fish, which means that they absorb oxygen from the air past swimming to the water surface.

To help your fish get through this, lower the h2o level in the tank or add plants to increase the oxygen supply. Dealing with constipation will get rid of the swim float disorder if it'southward the sole cause backside it.

(Check out more nearly swim bladder disorder in bettas.)

What Happens If You Underfeed Your Betta Fish?

Betta fish can survive for 2 weeks without nutrient, but that doesn't hateful that they're not at risk of being underfed. If you lot give your Betta too petty of the nutritious food it needs, the following issues may occur:

They'll Become Sparse

An underfed Betta fish will wait bony, with a head that appears larger than the rest of the body. Their sides will exist concaved, and the fat commonly stored near their tail will exist absent.


Bettas that don't receive enough food eventually lose their color and appear stake. This is a sign that you need to boost your Betta fish feeding routine.

Weakened Allowed Organisation

Underfeeding means that your Betta is not getting plenty of the nutrients that they need to thrive. This leads to malnutrition and results in weak immunity. If your underfed Betta gets ill, they'll be at a higher risk of serious consequences compared to well-fed Bettas.

What Should You Feed Betta Fry and Young Betta?

Betta Fry should be fed alive food such equally baby brine shrimps, mosquito larvae, micro worms, and daphnia. As they grow into immature Bettas, you can introduce other fish foods such as pellets.

When Should You Feed Your Betta?

Recommended times to feed your Betta fish are in the morning and night, providing a small portion each time. You can also feed them merely one time, but your fish may like it more if you dissever the daily portion into two and requite it at different times of the twenty-four hours.

Bettas remember their mealtimes, and then it's swell to set a feeding schedule and stick to it.

Besides feeding them, it'southward besides of import to establish when to fast them. You can choose a unmarried day of the week when y'all don't feed them anything.

How Should You Prepare Your Betta'south Food?

How you ready your Betta's nutrient depends on what type information technology is. Rinse alive nutrient before introducing information technology to the tank water to avert transferring bacteria or parasites.

Yous should soak dried food before giving it to your Betta so that it won't aggrandize in their tum, causing digestive problems.

Always thaw frozen fish food before giving it to your pet fish. Also, make sure to split up it into smaller portions to avert overfeeding.

Betta Fish Feeding Schedule

Wondering what you should feed your Betta, when? Here'southward a elementary weekly Betta fish feeding schedule y'all can stick to:

Sunday: Betta pellets, ii-3 pellets, in one case or twice a solar day

Monday: Live, freeze-dried or frozen food, 2-3 pieces, ane-2 times a day

Tuesday: Betta pellets, ii-3 pellets, 1-2 times

Midweek: Live, frozen, or freeze-dried fish food, 2-3 pieces, once or twice

Thursday: Betta pellets, 2-4 pellets, 1-2 times a day

Fri: Alive, freeze-dried, or frozen Betta nutrient, two-3 pieces, 1-2 times

Saturday: Fast them on Alternate Saturdays


Feeding your Betta fish well is essential in ensuring their wellness, vitality, and happiness. Keep their nutrition well-balanced and provide them a variety of food options to whet their appetites.

Avoid foods that contain fillers and choose ones that are high in proteins to satisfy their carnivorous needs.

Think to fast your pet Betta one time in a while for the sake of their digestive tract and overall health. Provide live or frozen Betta nutrient as much as you tin can, as they are most nutritively similar to their natural food sources.


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